Neural Network🦖7——How to clip gradient?

"clip grad, Gradient clipping, Gradient Scaling"

Posted by fuhao7i on April 7, 2021
  • Due to the improper selection of the learning rate, the weight update is larger.
  • There is a lot of noise in the prepared data, resulting in large differences in target variables.
  • The improper selection of the loss function results in the calculation of a larger error value.

梯度爆炸/消失的一种常见解决方法是重新缩放误差导数,通过网络反向传播误差导数,然后使用它来更新权重。通过重新缩放误差导数,权重的更新也将被重新缩放,从而大大降低了上溢或下溢(NaN: not a number, Inf: infinity)的可能性。更新误差导数的主要方法有两种:

  • 梯度缩放 Gradient Scaling
  • 梯度裁剪 Gradient Clipping



implementation by torch

torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(parameters, max_norm=8, norm_type=2)


  • parameters: 一个基于变量的迭代器,会进行归一化. an iterable of Variables that will have gradients normalized
  • max_norm: 梯度最大范数 max norm of the gradients
  • norm_type: 规定范数的类型,默认为L2. type of the used p-norm. Can be’inf’for infinity norm

returns: 参数的总体范数(作为单个向量来看)


  1. 【调参19】如何使用梯度裁剪(Gradient Clipping)避免梯度爆炸